While your lawn is not typically in the growing phase during winter it is still a great idea to fertilise during the cooler weather to ensure it has all the nutrients it needs and to prepare for the warmer weather to come. Winter fertilisers are a bit different from fertilisers used at other times of the year – they contain higher levels of Iron to green up and strengthen your lawn over the cooler months. Winter fertilisers don’t typically contain any other trace elements and don’t usually have Phosphate in the mix.
Apart from that, your winter fertiliser should be applied in exactly the same way as at any other time of the year – always follow the manufacturer’s instructions, safety first, spread evenly to avoid fertiliser burn, and water in thoroughly (or apply right before decent rain is due).
The results you achieve from applying your winter fertiliser will vary depending on the actual temperature of the soil and how cold it gets at your place. The application will help to improve the appearance of the lawn and provide required nutrients but don’t expect too much sudden growth or for the application to turn around a lawn suffering from poor health – it’s still in the dormant phase.
A word of warning – winter fertilisers are high in Iron and can stain driveways, paths and hardscape features with drips of rust. If the fertiliser spreads to these areas, blow or sweep if off thoroughly before watering the area to avoid rust stains. You can also avoid this problem by taking extra care during application and applying the fertiliser when there is no wind to contend with.
July is the perfect time to apply fertiliser and then you won’t need to worry about it again until September. Get more lawn care advice on the Daleys Turf blog page.
I have a lot of kikuyu through our couch lawn and would like to know the best way to get rid of it
Hi Luncoln, This is a tough problem, probably the best thing to start to try is using a wick wiper, that’s a piece of foam on a stick that is dipped in a solution of 1 part Round up to 2 parts water, then very carefully wipe each leaf of the weed you want to get rid of, or in your case Kikuyu. It helps to let your lawn grow long as Kikuyu will grow taller than couch.
What is the best winter/summer fertiliser to use on sir Walter lawn. The lawn is relatively newly laid. Thank you
Hi Kerrie,
Hopefully you received the correct advise at the time of installation and you or your installers applied fertiliser prior to laying, if that was the case, then about 6-8 weeks after installation, you will need to re apply 2.5 kg per 100 sq. metres of ” Sir Walter” fertiliser available from our resellers here on the Sunshine Coast, see our website for details or our online lawnstore, most good nurseries will have something similar.
Ask for fertiliser with NPK of 15:1:10
Avoid fertilising in summer as this tends to attract lawn grubs
Here is a link for more info on fertiliser and lawns: