If your lawn has lost its deep green colour, it’s not dying but it is in shock and possibly missing a key ingredient to stay healthy and vibrant. There are a few factors that might be at play:
It’s winter
Simple and true – most lawns will lose some of their colour during the cooler months and there’s not much to rectify the issue until the weather warms up. You could apply a mid-winter fertiliser – while this won’t cause much of a boost to the colour (or the growth), it will ensure that any missing nutrients are replaced. Winter fertilisers are high in iron so take care if they leach onto hardscape areas such as driveways and paths as they can cause rust stains.
The soil pH is out of whack
A loss of colour may be caused by an imbalance in the acidity and alkalinity levels of the soil below. Too far one way or the other and your lawn will be affected. Grab a home soil pH kit and with a few simple steps you’ll have your answer. If there is an imbalance it is relatively easy to adjust – gradually adding lime to an acidic soil and iron to an alkaline soil with help to bring the level back into balance.
Nutrient deficiency
Nutrients are required to reach and maintain a deep green colour and the health of your lawn. If you have neglected regular (every two months) fertilising, it could be the reason for the loss of colour. Apply a high-quality fertiliser on a regular basis and the colour will soon return.
Lack of water
When you experience a loss of colour, but it hasn’t yet reach the yellowing or browning stage, then you may have a minor lack of water issue. Dig down and investigate the water retention of the soil. Adjust your watering regime accordingly – remembering that deep and less frequent watering is always best to encourage a strong root system.
It may also pay to apply wetting agents twice a year – they ensure a better, greater distribution of water throughout the soil. They will also allow the soil to retain water for a longer period of time so water is available to the lawn over a longer time span.
Follow the Daleys Turf blog for more lawn care advice, tips and tricks.
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