The Spring season starts in a matter of days – time to get your lawn care plan of attack ready!
Now is the time that your lawn plants move out of their dormant growing phase and into the growing phase, so it’s the best time to ensure that your lawn has all the nutrients required to thrive.
Make a checklist so you have all of your bases covered:
As the lawn plants begin to grow again it’s time to keep an eye on the amount of water it receives. If the leaves are curling or turning yellow or brown, more water is needed. Aim for less frequent but deeper watering so that the water reaches the root system. All of your lawn requires the same amount of water – around 2.5cms each time. The best time to water, particularly as the days get longer and warmer, is early morning or late afternoon – offsetting the moisture lost due to evaporation.
The renewed growing phase also means that mowing will be required more often. As always – never remove more than a third of the plant, always use a mower with sharp blades and mow in a different pattern each time.
Despite having just been through the dormant growing phase your lawn has still been using nutrients from the soil to survive. Now is the time to replace what has been lost and prepare for the months ahead. Conduct a pH soil test to determine the nutrient and mineral deficiencies and fertilise or top dress with this in mind.
Spring is the perfect time to fertilise your lawn. It gives the turf all the nutrients it will need to grow thick and lush and ensure it maintains a great green colour. It is essential that you apply the correct fertiliser for the variety of lawn you have, always read the application instructions and water in the fertiliser afterwards.
While your lawn is preparing for its growth phase, weeds are too. If there are weeds present in your lawn they will now attempt to spread and take over – if allowed to. Remove any weeds now either by hand if small in number or with a herbicide if large in number or if your lawn is particularly large. Always use a herbicide created specifically for your lawn variety and the weeds found.
Other Considerations
Depending on the treatment your lawn has had during winter, it may require additional work in preparation for spring. Other lawn care might be necessary – such as aeration, top dressing and insect infestation treatment. Daleys Turf offers a wide range of tips and advice to help you care for your lawn and ready it for the warmer weather ahead.
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