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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Lawns & Trees

We see large trees growing in parks, botanical gardens and commercial spots. These trees provide beauty, shade and shelter for birds and other wildlife. In your average home lawn many large trees are not suitable as they grow too big.…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

3 Common Winter Weeds

Most lawn weeds start to germinate and grow during winter, especially Winter Grass, Bindii and Creeping Oxalis. Now is the perfect time to begin a lawn care regime to rid your lawn of these weeds before the warmer weather begins…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Lawn Solutions Oxafert – Pre-Emergent Herbicide and Fertiliser

Lawn Solutions Oxafert is a pre-emergent herbicide and fertiliser and when applied correctly, will kill stubborn annual weeds before they appear, while the fertiliser component will provide the necessary nutrients to keep your lawn looking greener and healthier all year-round.…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

How to get your lawn into shape after summer

Autumn is an ideal time to make good any damage done by Summer and, more importantly, set your lawn up for the last few weeks of the growing season. After a long hot Summer, with heatwaves, flooding and more time spent…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Establishing the 4Rs of Greener Lawn Care

Introducing the 4 Rs of greener lawn care; reducing, reusing, recycling and rebuying. Lawns can be a big user of resources, even on a residential level so it’s essential to review our lawn care practices from time to time to ensure that we…

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Daleys Turf Sunshine Coast

Fungal Disease in Lawns

Fungal diseases can cause the most serious diseases in turf lawns. Disease problems can be made worse by poor turf grass maintenance but they can also be improved by the introduction of a sound lawn care maintenance regime. How fungi grow Some types of fungi have the ability…

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