A common mistake we hear when people are installing a new lawn, or having a new lawn installed for them, is how long they wait to install the turf. There are three main issues we find.
1. Preparing the yard
Preparing the yard for a new turf is essential but if you prepare the yard and the soil and then wait several weeks before installing the turf you are doing your new lawn a disservice. New turf should be laid as soon as possible on newly landscaped ground. Waiting can cause interim rain and wind to create ditches or ruts, which can mean that the lawn will not fit as well and will find it harder for the roots to take hold. Wind and rain can also blow or wash away beneficial top soil giving your lawn a harder job to become well established and strong.

2. Temperature
In cooler temperatures turf can wait 4-5 days between delivery and installation, however in South East Queensland temperatures, particularly at this time of year, lawns can’t survive that long after being cut and not installed. We recommend waiting no longer than 1-2 days. In fact, we strongly advise being ready to install on the same day as delivery is scheduled.
3. Roots
The longer you wait between picking up or having your new turf delivered and installing it increases the risk of the root system drying out which, in turn, makes it harder for the lawn to become established, strong and healthy.
If time is an issue and you think there might be a delay between yard/soil preparation and installation, or delivery and installation, contact the team at Daleys Turf – we offer a full-installation service for new lawns, a turf farm pick-up and delivery service.
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