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There are a multitude of modern lawn varieties on the market, so claiming that buffalo lawn is often the best choice is a big call, but bear with us…decades of experience in the turf industry has led us to this statement.

With over 25 years’ experience as turf growers, we have seen many varieties of turf come and go. We currently only grow and supply three varieties – Sir Walter soft leaf Buffalo, Nullarbor Couch and Platinum Zoysia – why? Well, because each of these turf varieties have been designed and grown to perfectly suit south east Queensland conditions and climate. And, why do we think buffalo lawn is often the best choice? It comes down to a few, very important aspects. Yes, Sir Walter can be a more expensive option to begin with but it’s the long term that we are most impressed by. A long standing favourite of Aussie families, buffalo turf is durable, easy to grow and easy to maintain. Originally buffalo turf was not a favourite due to its itchy, scratchy feel but those days are gone with the introduction of the soft leaf buffalo lawn types. The newer buffalo varieties available today are soft, lush and great for families and play. Sir Walter Buffalo lawn is salt, shade and drought tolerant. It’s self-repairing with a thick mat making it resistant to pests, disease and weeds and it’s more likely to bounce back after a period of either drought conditions or flooding. And, buffalo lawn requires less lawn care – less fertilising, less water, less mowing, less care and attention than other lawn varieties.

Sir Walter DNA certified turf has been perfected over the years to be Australia’s most popular variety of lawn – it’s soft, maintains a great year round colour and is a fantastic choice for those suffering allergies.

Why Buffalo lawn Sir Walter is a great choice

  • Sir Walter is a premium lawn turf and has been specifically designed for the tough Aussie climate – it can easily handle days of flooding rain and periods of very little rain as it is drought tolerant and maintains a strong root system. During dry times, Sir Walter requires only a small amount of watering reducing your water bills.
  • Sir Walter lawn is self-repairing and establishes with minimal care reducing the likelihood you will need to replace the lawn.
  • This turf variety is pest, weed and disease resistant making it low maintenance in terms of both your time and your money.
    Being both full sun and shade tolerant Sir Walter can easily adapt to your entire lawn, eliminating the need to pave or pebble shaded areas of your lawn where other varieties of lawn would struggle to establish and thrive.
  • Sir Walter is grown and supplied as an environmentally friendly and sustainable product.
  • Unlike other varieties of turf or synthetic lawns, Sir Walter is low allergenic making it the perfect choice for allergy sufferers.
  • Sir Walter is only grown by certified growers ensuring consistently high quality turf.
  • Unlike lawn varieties like Kikuyu and Couch, Buffalo is less aggressive and invasive in its growth patterns. It can’t creep underneath fences and garden edges like Couch and Kikuyu can because buffalo turf has no underground runners to do so, only above ground runners.

The real deal Buffalo lawn

As licensed growers and suppliers of Sir Walter DNA certified we also love that this lawn comes with a 10 year product warranty guaranteed support, for the life of your lawn and a certificate of authenticity. There are only around 60 growers accredited and licensed to grow Sir Walter throughout Australia ensuring the quality of the product you receive. When you purchase Sir Walter DNA Certified lawn for your home, rental property or commercial property you can be assured that you are getting:

  • Genuine Sir Walter turf
  • Assurance that your Sir Walter is DNA certified
  • A guarantee that you will get what you pay for
  • A 10 year product warranty
  • A turf that is grown under AusGap Certification which guarantees and certifies genetic purity.

Order Early and we can Deliver the Same Day or at a time more suitable for you. ORDER NOW ONLINE,  NO PAYMENT REQUIRED TODAY! If buying Sir Walter on the Sunshine Coast the average price for Sir Walter premium lawn turf is around $15.50 per square metre.

For deliveries North Brisbane to the Tweed Heads border, as long as your order is confirmed by 2pm, we will have your order to you the following day!

To Order Now fill in our easy online order form. We will contact you by phone to confirm all details and confirm your delivery time and delivery date.

Delivery fee: $115.00 (Sunshine Coast only). This includes Hinterland areas, Caboolture to Cooroy, Maleny to the Coast.

Delivery charges for most other areas is $190.00 with a minimum 50 m2 of Sir Walter. Please click here now to open our delivery area map. Refer to the Green Shaded areas for more specific details or simply call us on 1800 325 397.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I was captivated when you mentioned that buffalo grass can perfectly suit conditions and climate. My friend wants to install buffalo grass for their property. I should advise her to turn to a firm that specializes in buffalo grass installation.

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