While typically associated with homes, lawns are much more common in our communities and their benefits are outstanding.
Lawns are found in our parks, sporting fields, schools and, more commonly these days, in commercial complexes. If you are weighing up the pros and cons of a new lawn at your rental property – residential or commercial, here are a few facts you might like to consider:
Business & Economic Improvement – lawns can increase the value of a property by up to 20%. Properties with well-maintained lawns sell quicker and at higher values. They also increase tenant satisfaction and lower vacancy rates.
Climate Control – lawns serve as nature’s air conditioner. The turf on eight average sized front lawns has the cooling effect of 70 tonnes of air conditioning and that’s enough for 16 average homes.
Erosion Control – turf offers an efficient and inexpensive form of erosion control by intercepting rain before it disturbs the soil. It also promotes water percolation rather than runoff – reducing the loss of fertile soil and the amount of water and pollutants reaching storm water drains.
Filter – Grass traps smoke and dust particles from the air and works as a filter. This is particularly useful in urban areas where the dust from cars and trucks is trapped and washed down into the soil.
Environmental Benefits – Lawns capture and use greenhouse gases, counteracting climate change. Turf plants trap air pollution and generates much of our oxygen – a lawn only 15m x 15m will produce enough oxygen for a family of four to breathe for an entire year. It also acts as a barrier against chemicals entering the soil profile, while the natural shedding of turf stems and leaves, as well as mowing clippings, contribute valuable organic to the soil over the life of the lawn.
Social Benefits – A well-maintained lawn encourages outdoor exercise and relaxation. Even in commercial applications, a lawn will encourage people to spend time outside – taking lunch on the grass or participating in pre-work exercise training programmes, which provides inherent health and mental health benefits. Lawns promote the therapeutic benefits of green spaces – a proven technique for rehabilitation.
Injury Prevention – Turf helps to absorb physical impact and reduces injuries. It is safer than concrete, bare soil or artificial grass by providing both traction and cushioning benefits.
Rubbish Reducer – Garbage is less likely to be left behind or thrown on a well-maintained lawn.
Noise Reducer – Lawns can decrease noise by 8 -10 decibels, making it particularly important in urban and highly built up areas.
Daley’s Turf can provide low maintenance turf suitable to high traffic commercial applications and rental properties. For more information, contact the team today.
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