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There can be no denying that the storm season has arrived in South East Queensland. Now is the time to prepare to make sure that both our properties and our families are ready for what is shaping up to be a busy season. The most important tips Daleys Turf can give is to be prepared and be informed; make a family emergency plan so everyone in your home knows what to do in case of a dangerous storm and take the weather warnings issued seriously.

  1. Check the condition of your roof and organise for any necessary repair work.
  2. Trim trees and overhanging branches. Pay particular attention to dead branches and trees that are not very healthy as well as those closest to buildings.
  3. Secure outdoor furniture and items that may get displaced during high winds. Really take a good look around; anything that you can pick up and carry could be blown away in winds of 120kms. Don’t forget the wheelie bins; if a bad storm is forecast move the wheelie bins inside or fill them with water to anchor. You may not be able to secure all items inside so an option is to toss lawn furniture into the swimming pool (the water will stop the furniture from blowing away) or tying items to large sturdy trees. Air borne items can be a major hazard so take the time to secure your items before a storm hits.
  4. Inspect and clean out gutters. Repair or replace if required.
  5. Check drainage point of your lawn to ensure they are clear and working as they should be. If you have a swimming pool, consider draining some of the water if flash flooding is predicted in your area to stop it from overflowing.
  6. Make sure that any pesticides, insecticides and fertilisers are stored above ground level in case of flash flooding.
  7. Review your insurance policy – know exactly what you are covered for – no one wants a nasty shock.

In Queensland the danger doesn’t end when the storm passes; during the assessment of damage and the clean-up process please stay safe. Never touch fallen power lines, always wear sturdy shoes and gloves during clean-up and watch your kids. Kids are fascinated with water but flooded streets and storm water drains are so dangerous.

You can get many more helpful tips and advice from Emergency Management Queensland and protect your property and your family this storm season. You can follow organisations such as Energex and the Queensland Police Service on social media channels to get timely information as a storm approaches and consider signing up for early warning texts, emails or phone calls; most local councils offer these services for no charge.

Helpful Numbers and websites; just in case:

SES – 132 500
Energex – – 13 62 62 – Loss of supply – 13 19 62 – Emergencies
Bureau of Meteorology –
Emergency Management Queensland –
Qld Alert –

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