In part 1 of lawns after floods we started your lawn on the road to recovery. You can read that information here.
Now, the lawn will benefit from an application of nutrients – this will help to replace any nutrients that got washed away as well as in aiding the regeneration process. Choose a fertiliser appropriate to the variety of lawn you have, calculate the lawn size and apply the fertiliser evenly at half the recommended rate. This is a more suitable course of action for stressed lawns. You might also like to apply a quality seaweed formulation. Apply every two to four weeks to stimulate root growth and give the lawn health an overall boost.
The damage and stress from flooding can also make your lawn susceptible to disease. Keep an eye on your lawn and watch out for any symptoms. If you see any symptoms, take your notes or photographs to your local lawn care product supplier for assistance on an appropriate treatment option.
Also, keep your eye out for any weeds which may have ended up in your lawn from seeds washed in during the floods. We don’t recommend treating any weeds straight away – your lawn is most likely still stressed. Weeds will actually help at this point by allowing some temporary cover to the soil and aid in drying the soil out. Once the lawn plants are back on track you can remove the weeds by hand or treat appropriately.
For more information or help if you need to replace your lawn after the floods just contact our team at Daleys Turf.
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