The long and the short answer to your question ‘can Sir Walter be grown from seed?’ is no but that’s not the full story. Most turf varieties that are classified as drought tolerant can’t be grown from seed. Turf varieties that are able to be grown from seed are usually cool season grasses (like fescue, blue grass and rye) and don’t often thrive in most areas of Australia. Cool season grass variety that can be grown from seed are best left to North America and cooler parts of Europe.
Why is it so?
The seed that Sir Walter DNA certified lawn produces is male and therefore sterile and not economically viable to be grown from. Professional turf farms, like Daleys Turf, also need to grow Sir Walter turf from a cutting. This lawn variety can only be grown from a vegetative material such as stolons or turf.
Sir Walter DNA Certified lawn has been specifically designed to resist disease, pests and fungi as well as being shade, heat, salt and drought tolerant. And, it’s created to remain lush and green all year round. This turf has been available for over 20 years now and it remains the best lawn for Australian climates – even with the water restrictions, extreme heat and flooding rains it has to endure at times. Even while under attack from weeds, invasive lawns and pests, Sir Walter DNA survives and thrives – definitely worth the time to install and establish an instant lawn rather than using inappropriate lawn seeds.
But there’s some more great news
While many people put down grass seed in order to fix bare patches in their lawn, it isn’t necessary when you have Sir Walter DNA Certified turf; it’s self-repairing. And, if you employ a good lawn care regime – mowing, watering, and fertilising, bare patches don’t occur often and, as long as the soil pH and nutrient levels are fine, the lawn will repair itself.
Where can you get Sir Walter since you cannot grow it from seed?
Daleys Turf are part of a network of over 60 licensed growers throughout Australia. We are bound to have a turf farm near you that grows Sir Walter DNA Certified soft leaf Buffalo. All Sir Walter DNA Certified turf growers must be licensed to do so and comply with strict quality control conditions which are enforced to protect the quality of Sir Walter DNA Certified Turf. A certificate of authenticity should be supplied with each purchase of turf to ensure the premium grass supplied is genuine DNA Certified Sir Walter.
For more information or to order your Sir Walter Turf, just contact the team at Daleys Turf.
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