As I write, our cousins in New South Wales are experiencing temperatures ten degrees over the average for this time of the year and bushfires are threating homes and businesses.
From this distance, it serves as a timely reminder that now is the time that those of us in South East Queensland need to prepare for the rapidly approaching bushfire season, storm season and overall warmer temperatures.
It’s each homeowner’s responsibility to prepare their family and property and remember that serious bushfires can occur in both rural and suburban areas.
When a major bushfire occurs, fire departments will be working tirelessly to stop the progress of the fire – you can’t rely on them or their equipment to defend your home – we all need to do our part.
The more you prepare, the better your property will be to survive – even if you are not in attendance.
A well prepared home will also afford you more protection if a sudden fire situation occurs and you are unable to evacuate.
To determine your risk, answer these questions:
- Do you live in or near bushland?
- Do you have trees and shrubs within 20 metres of your home?
- Is your home on a slope?
- Does your area have a bushfire history?
If you answered yes to any of these questions – bushfire is a real risk to your property and you need to create a bushfire survival plan and keep it up to date.
The Qld Rural Fire Service has great advice on how to prepare a survival plan here. Please take the time to prepare.
Prepare your Property.
Take a walk around your property and imagine that a bushfire is approaching. Seek our items that are likely to burn or places where flying embers could start a fire – remembering that embers can enter through gaps in roofs, walls, evaporative air conditioning units and gutters. You can install stainless steel open weave mesh covers over evaporative air conditioners and metal fly screens on windows, doors and vents to keep sparks and embers out.
Clear rubbish and vegetation from around your property and create a 20 metre clear area around all buildings, to minimise the risk that burning materials will spark your house alight.
Have a Plan B.
When dealing with Mother Nature nothing is certain. During a bushfire, conditions can change very quickly and often without warning, so your bushfire survival plan needs to be flexible and cover a wide range of possible scenarios – both before, during and after a bushfire. The team at Daleys Turf urge you to take into consideration what could go wrong, make a Plan B and stay safe this bushfire season.
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